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Suicide Hotline: 988


National Human Trafficking Hotline from PolarisProject:

Call 1 (888) 373-7888; *Text "BeFree” 233733; Live Chat

Local Crisis Hotline from Turning Point for Madison County: call (765) 227-2585 

Human trafficking statistics

  • Trafficking is highly personal: most people are comfortable with their trafficker

  • 42% were brought into trafficking by a member of their own families
  • 39% were recruited via an intimate partner or a marriage proposition

  • During lockdowns, the internet became the top recruitment location for trafficking

  • 13 years old is the average age someone is entered into trafficking 

  • Human trafficking earns profits of roughly $150 billion a year for traffickers

  • Sexual exploitation earns 66% of the global profits of human trafficking​

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Important Awareness Dates
National Human Trafficking Awareness Day - January 11th 

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